Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
MS158, part 1: Structured sums of squares
Thursday, 11/Jul/2019:
3:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Unitobler, F021
104 seats, 126m^2

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Structured sums of squares

Chair(s): James Saunderson (Monash University, Australia), Mauricio Velasco (Universidad de los Andes)

A description of a nonnegative polynomial as a sum of squares gives a concise proof of its nonnegativity. Computationally, such sum-of-squares decompositions are appealing because we can search for them by solving a semidefinite feasibility problem. This connection means that optimization and decision problems arising in a range of areas, from robotics to extremal combinatorics, can be reformulated as, or approximated with, semidefinite optimization problems.

This minisymposium highlights the roles of various kinds of additional structures, including symmetry and sparsity, in understanding when (structured) sum of squares decompositions do and do not exist. It will also showcase interesting connections between sums of squares and a range of areas, such as extremal combinatorics, dynamical systems and control, and algorithms and complexity theory.


(25 minutes for each presentation, including questions, followed by a 5-minute break; in case of x<4 talks, the first x slots are used unless indicated otherwise)


Learning dynamical systems with side information

Amir Ali Ahmadi, Bachir El Khadir
Princeton University

In several safety-critical applications, one has to learn the behavior of an unknown dynamical system from noisy observations of a very limited number of trajectories. For example, to autonomously land an airplane that has just gone through engine failure, limited time is available to learn the modified dynamics of the plane before appropriate control action can be taken. Similarly, when a new infectious disease breaks out, few observations are initially available to understand the dynamics of contagion.

In situations of this type where data is limited, it is essential to exploit “side information”---e.g. physical laws or contextual information---to assist the task of learning. We present a mathematical formalism of the problem of learning a dynamical system with side information, where side information can mean a concrete collection of local or global properties of the dynamical system. We show that sum of squares optimization is particularly suited for learning a dynamical system that best agrees with the observations and respects the side information.

Based on joint work with Bachir El Khadir (Princeton).


Convergence analysis of measure-based bounds for polynomial optimization on compact sets

Lucas Slot, Monique Laurent
CWI Amsterdam

We investigate the convergence rate of a hierarchy of measure-based upper bounds introduced by Lasserre (2011) for the minimization of a polynomial f over a compact set K. These bounds are obtained by searching for a degree 2r sum-of-squares density function h minimizing the expected value of f over K.

The convergence rate to the global minimum of f over K is known to be in O(1/r^2) for special sets K like the box, ball and sphere, so we consider here general compact sets. We show a convergence rate in O((log r)/r) when K satisfies a minor geometric condition and a rate in O(((log r)/r)^2) when K is a convex body, improving on the current best known bounds for these cases. These results can be refined when making assumptions on the order of f at a global minimizer.

Our analysis relies on combining tools from convex geometry and approximation theory, making use in particular of approximations of the Dirac delta function by fast-decreasing polynomials.

This is based on joint work with Monique Laurent.


Sums-of-squares for extremal discrete geometry on the unit sphere

Frank Vallentin
Universität zu Köln

In this talk I will show how one can apply sum-of-squares techniques for various extremal geometric problems on the unit sphere, especially finding thinnest coverings or spherical designs.


Computing spectral bounds for geometric graphs via polynomial optimization

Philippe Moustrou
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

A powerful lower bound on the chromatic number of a finite graph is the spectral bound due to Hoffman, which is related to the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the graph. This bound has been generalized by Bachoc, DeCorte, Oliveira and Vallentin to infinite graphs. In this talk we describe how this bound can be adapted to two particular problems arising from geometry:

- Given a norm what is the largest density of a subset of the n-dimensional real space that does not contain any pair of points such that the norm of their difference is 1? This problem is closely related to the determination of the famous chromatic number of the plane.

- What is the least number of colors needed to color the interiors of the cells of the tessellation associated with the Voronoi cell of a given lattice, in such a way that two cells sharing a facet do not receive the same color?

After introducing these two problems, we show how to compute the spectral bound by solving a polynomial optimization problem using sums of squares.